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New MetaCryp Crypto-asset Aims to Be the Ultimate Recreation Token



New MetaCryp Crypto-asset Aims to Be the Ultimate Recreation Token

MetaCryp is a new cryptocurrency whose developers desire people to live life to the fullest. This upcoming crypto-asset with the shorthand $MTCR concentrates on the GameFi space metaverse and offers users a site to forget daily living’s stress and have intense fun.

We are well aware that thousands of virtual currencies have been launched in the market over time.

New ones also get created monthly, and we gathered that our followers seek novel virtual coins with interesting features into which to pour their hard-earned investment funds.

We want to share this informative news report with them regarding MetaCryp to provide them with useful ideas about pre-sale stage cryptocurrencies that might interest them.

Metacryp is a next-generation ecosystem. This community-centric platform is based on crypto-assets, per the update posted on the Internet by the Bitcoin news portal Bitcoinist, which delivers analysis, trading prices, guides, and breaking news about blockchain technology and digital money.

Furthermore, the brand-new Metacryp cryptocurrency features a decentralized metaverse. Its developers desire to blur the line between the virtual world and reality.

They are working on their target by making a haven for cryptocurrency users where the latter can unplug from their daily existences, enjoy, and customize the life they have always dreamed of living.

Additionally, the specially designed Metacryp virtual currency ecosystem lets people earn money while interacting with others.

The blockchain protocol aims to dominate blockchain-based socialization and gaming and enables users to access advanced Decentralized Finance or DeFi features, the metaverse, and Play-to-Earn or P2E gaming.

Besides MetaCryp’s gaming world, it features the MetaCryp Country Club, which is a virtual location where $MTCR users can socialize and share cultural diversity with people from other parts of the globe.

They can attend get-togethers without requiring physical interaction, engage in more authentic travel experiences, and interact via customizable avatars.

The Metacryp project comes with deficient charges and does not charge cryptocurrency wallet fees. Users can pay peer-to-peer via their wallets.

Plus, Metacryp offers rewards and cashback to users. For instance, an $MTCR customer can receive a 10-percent reward if he purchases virtual tokens with the Ethereum pair.

He can also get a 9-percent additional bonus if he avails of virtual coins in the initial pre-sale stage.

We find the new MetaCryp project interesting and one-of-a-kind. We have never encountered anything like this new virtual token in the crypto-asset market before.

We believe the MetaCryp cryptocurrency that is dedicated to developing non-fungible token applications, DeFi, advanced gaming systems, and other interconnected platforms is worthwhile as a recreation-oriented crypto-asset.

After all, it lets people immerse themselves in an engaging and enjoyable world and disregard their day-to-day lives’ pressures.

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